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Gianluca Pica



I Figli di Marte - Gastone Breccia

#roma #guidaturistica #unaguidaturisticaroma #libro #marte #guerra #book #war #god #godofwar #mythology #mitologia #atourguiderome #suggestions #advices #suggerimenti #consigli

I'm sure that one of the most impressive aspects of the ancient Rome is its powerful and invincible army. The legions, the centurions, the auxiliaries, the barbarians. Each single one helped Rome to raise, since a primitive village close to an ordinary river and standing on the top of some hills to the Caput Mundi, the most powerful city in the world. The history of Rome could be read as a sequence of battles, wars and fights, as a sequence of victories but also defeats. With this book you will not follow the military sstory of Rome, but what makes it powerful: the art of the war.


The author, a professor of Bizantine History, tells us how the Romans used to live for the war. Since their childhood the boys were educated to hols a weapon, to feel citizens of Rome, to be men who must be ready to fight and sacrifice themselves for the homeland. With this wonderful book you can enter, in a deep way, inside the minds of the ancient Romans, in order to understand the cultural and human motivations that push them to fight. A neverending evolution that changed the strategies and the tactics, which came also from the observation of the enemy.


It is a book written for someone who wants to know deeper the ancient Roman society, so for an expert it could be a very good occasion to learn more. We don't need to know just what kind of wars and battles the ancient Rome fought, because it is very cool to know the background, understanding why a war ended in a certain way. From Julius Caesar to Scipio the African, until the emperors or other historical characters, this book could be good for everybody, having a simple and clear language. 

Authors: Keith Hopkins & Mary Beard

Publisher: Oscar Mondadori

242 pages

Buy now (English version)

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